In Tune to Nature is an eco & animal protection weekly radio show broadcast from Atlanta on Radio Free Georgia Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on wrfg.org and 89.3FM. 25-minute podcasts featuring interviews with activists, scientists, and authors who help us protect living beings and our shared habitats. Hosted by Carrie Freeman (Communication Professor and Human Animal Earthling). Studio photography by Ann Packwood.
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Renowned animal ethologist Dr. Marc Bekoff shares insights from the newly revised edition of his classic book: “The Emotional Lives of Animals: A leading scientist explores animal joy, sorrow, and empathy, -- and why they matter” with a foreword by famed primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall. In April 2024, with the release of the book near Dr. Goodall's 90th birthday, Dr. Bekoff spent 38 minutes with host Carrie Freeman discussing: what it's like working with Dr. Goodall, what has changed in the exploding field of cognitive ethology (the study of animal minds) in the last 20 years, how fairness and justice are a common trait in social animals to maintain cooperation (like with coyotes), why less "charismatic" animals like fish and mice will surprise us with their personalities (as all animals are individuals not just inter-changeable members of their species), how we need to work for animal "wellbeing" not just animal "welfare" for domesticated and wild animals, and ethical choices -- what we all can do to play our part in reducing animal suffering and advocating for animals (whom we should no longer under-estimate or ignore). We end on a hopeful note, thanks to a 4th grader who inspired Marc.
The Emotional Lives of Animals book chapters cover: the indisputable case for animal emotions; animal minds and hearts; what animals feel; wild justice, empathy, and fair play; and a final chapter on why animal wellbeing matters - with lots of recommendations across various fields of animal types and uses (zoos, farms, research labs, etc.).
The author, Marc Bekoff, PhD has been an animal advocate and researcher for close to 50 years, and he’s a prolific author of more than 30 books on nonhuman animals. A professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Dr. Bekoff has won many awards for his research on animal behavior, compassionate conservation, animal protection, and animal emotions. He publishes regularly for Psychology Today. His website is https://marcbekoff.com/
I’m happy to report that The Emotional Lives of Animals book is printed on 100% recycled paper bc the publisher -- New World Library-- is part of the Green Press Initiative. I wish all book publishers made recycled paper a priority.
"In Tune to Nature" is a weekly radio show airing Wednesdays at 6:30pm Eastern Time on 89.3FM-Atlanta radio and streaming worldwide on wrfg.org (Radio Free Georgia, a nonprofit indie station). Hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. The show's website and action items can be found at https://www.facebook.com/InTunetoNature Please support indie media like Radio Free Georgia at https://wrfg.org/
Take care of yourself and others, including other emotional animal species.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on In Tune to Nature do not necessarily reflect those of WRFG its board, staff, or volunteers....most of us are volunteers.
Saturday Feb 24, 2024
Saturday Feb 24, 2024
We discuss the latest in the 2024 fight against environmental racism and stream water degradation as part of the "Save The Atlanta Forest" movement also knowns as the "Stop Cop City" movement, in Southeast Atlanta, comprised of many allied groups of citizens who over the last several years are working to stop/discontinue the building of a multi-million dollar mega law enforcement training center in a forested watershed area, where it is unwanted by the adjacent human community of many Black residents, and by the wildlife who (used to) live there too.
To tell us about the ongoing legal efforts is Dr. Jacqueline Echols, Board President of the South River Watershed Alliance. @southriverGA #southriverGA In this 28-minute Feb. 2024 interview, host Carrie Freeman asks Dr. Echols to explain the civil rights act administrative complaint her organization filed, alleging the origins of the copy city installation constitute intentional harm and qualify as environmental racism. And she discusses another pending legal case alleging violations of the clean water act from increased sediment deposits harming the already polluted streams and river that may not be able to sustain life. Dr. Echols notes that stalling/delay by the courts and government officials seems to be a tactic used throughout this project to get the facility built under the radar before the city is officially told they legally cannot. Construction of the facility and destruction of many trees has already taken place.
The "Save the forest" image of the sad rabbit painting on the bridge on the South River Trail taken by host Carrie Freeman. See cement barricade there. Note: you never see any "tear down the Atlanta forest" or "build cop city" artwork around the city. There was a lot of helicopter noise that was in the area too at that cop city building site, and noise like that scares away a lot of the wild/free animal residents. Carrie didn't get audio of the copters but she does play an audio clip several times of the frog serenade along the South River trail wetland.
"In Tune to Nature" is a weekly radio show airing Wednesdays at 6:30pm Eastern Time on 89.3FM-Atlanta radio and streaming worldwide on wrfg.org (Radio Free Georgia, a nonprofit indie station). Hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. The show's website and action items can be found at https://www.facebook.com/InTunetoNature Please support indie media like Radio Free Georgia at https://wrfg.org/
Take care of yourself and others, including other species, like the wetland frogs you hear in this podcast.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on In Tune to Nature do not necessarily reflect those of WRFG its board, staff, or volunteers....most of us are volunteers.
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
In this double-show we explore problems and solutions for transforming America’s flawed model of wildlife management that is oddly human-centric (hunter-centric), undemocratic, and often cruel, by speaking with wildlife advocate and author Anja Heister, PhD, about her recent book “Beyond the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation: From Lethal to Compassionate Conservation,” published by the academic press Palgrave Macmillan as part of their Animal Ethics Series.
Founder of Footloose Montana, an anti-trapping organization, and decades long advocate for animals, Dr. Heister wrote a book that provides a nuanced analysis of the wildlife management system and its faults in the U.S. and a vision for what could be a compassionate conservation alternative that is nonviolent, and more democratic and representative of the interests of all Americans (not primarily hunters and trappers), including the interests of all of America’s wild animals, not just endangered species or the so-called “game species.” We can’t keep leaving wildlife to be at the mercy of management by a small group of Americans, namely hunters and trappers, sporting and ranching industries, and rural residents, and instead let all of us put wildlife first in wildlife policies.
In this 54-minute episode, hosted by Carrie Freeman, she and Dr. Heister discuss:
- misconceptions many Americans have about the way wildlife is managed,
- challenging historic myths of hunting and/as conservation,
- how our wildlife system is funded by hunting licenses and gun sales providing misguided incentives, and Governors having more control than citizens in policymaking,
- examples of cruel policies towards wolves in Montana,
- how many laws protect hunters and trappers more than animals, enabling cruelty,
- how empathy and emotion should play a larger role with rationality in wildlife management, and
- a vision to transform our U.S. wildlife management agencies based on compassionate conservation principles that value individual animal lives and promote all Americans' input in protecting and supporting our wild animal neighbors.
Consider supporting nonprofit conservation groups who advocate for change, like Wildlife For All. https://wildlifeforall.us/
"In Tune to Nature" is a weekly radio show airing Wednesdays at 6:30pm Eastern Time on 89.3FM-Atlanta radio and streaming worldwide on wrfg.org (Radio Free Georgia, a nonprofit indie station). Hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. The show's website and action items can be found at https://www.facebook.com/InTunetoNature Please support indie media like Radio Free Georgia at https://wrfg.org/
Take care of yourself and others, including other species, like the free-living animals who share our land and waters.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on In Tune to Nature do not necessarily reflect those of WRFG its board, staff, or volunteers....most of us are volunteers.
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Today it's one of my favorite topics -- the benefits of humans starting to embrace our animality and kinship with other animals, instead of falsely repressing our animality and continuing to think of ourselves as exceptional and above all animal life. We’ll talk about how we human animals can productively change our self narrative to be more honest with author and environmental philosopher Melanie Challenger who wrote the fascinating book “How to be animal: A New History of What it Means to be Human.” As she phrases is, “It's an invitation to refresh in our minds the loveliness of being animal.” You can find out more at her website https://www.melaniechallenger.com/
In this half hour "In Tune to Nature" radio podcast, host Carrie Freeman talks with award-winning author Melanie Challenger about:
- what drew her to the conclusion that the fundamental issue of humanity is that we don’t want to admit we are an animal, but should;
- the false mind/body dualism and the struggle for us humans to accept our vulnerable bodily selves (we are not just our brains);
- what we gain and share with other animals in these bodies that is a lovely part of being human; how we can recognize "the world is alive with intelligence" and "if we matter, so does everything else" (p.217); and
- ways that we can collectively help create a more truthful and productive narrative on humanity that embeds us within the broader, rich animal community.
- and she ends by telling us how her "How to be Animal" book sets up her latest book on the topic of Animal Dignity and the role of respect.
"In Tune to Nature" is a weekly radio show airing Wednesdays at 6:30pm Eastern Time on 89.3FM-Atlanta radio and streaming worldwide on wrfg.org (Radio Free Georgia, a nonprofit indie station). Hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. The show's website and action items can be found at https://www.facebook.com/InTunetoNature Please support indie media like Radio Free Georgia at https://wrfg.org/
Take care of yourself and others, including human and nonhuman animals.
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
We focus on the creative process of several artists in the road ecology movement who have promoted safe passageways for wildlife to cross over and under human highways, via song, children’s literature, and documentary film. Our guests are writer Frances Figart of Asheville, NC and filmmaker Ted Grudowski of Seattle, WA, interviewed in this 30-minute podcast by host Carrie Freeman.
Our discussion explores creative ways these artists have inspired humans to more safely and fairly share land with free-living nonhuman animals, specifically to promote the design and build of wildlife road crossings to enable safe passage for animals across human highways -- like Highway I-40, North of Asheville NC near the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, where there are lots of bears, elk, deer, and other animals needing to migrate to feed and mate, and that highway is a dangerous barrier to their livelihood, causing vehicle collisions. You can find out more about that ongoing safe passage project and its coalition of conservation supporters at the Smokies Safe Passage website: https://smokiessafepassage.org/
In this podcast, Frances Figart tells us about her children's book (for ages 7 - 13) "A Search for Safe Passage" (illustrated by Emma Dufort) about a council of 19 animal species who work together to find an underpass that allows them to safely get to the other side of a scary and loud human road in their mountain forest. That also inspired her song "Safe Passage: Animals Need a Hand." You can see and share a cool music video of this song by Asheville band The Fates in a celtic/bluegrass style on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLbyQB5mqtU (we play a portion of this song in the podcast).
Filmmaker and photographer Ted Grudowski also tells us about "Cascade Crossroads" the award-winning half-hour documentary he co-produced that chronicles the amazing story of seemingly opposite interests out West joining forces to restore a critical wildlife corridor while improving Washington State’s vital transportation corridor over the Cascade Mountains -- a documentary that is actually encouraging in these polarizing times. You can watch it to inspire similar problem-solving in your own town, at Ted's website https://www.tedgrudowski.com/cascade-crossroads-documentary-film The nonprofit Conservation Northwest also has a lot of resources on reconnecting habitats.
"In Tune to Nature" is a weekly radio show airing Wednesdays at 6:30pm Eastern Time on 89.3FM-Atlanta radio and streaming worldwide on wrfg.org (Radio Free Georgia, a nonprofit indie station). Hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. The show's website and action items can be found at https://www.facebook.com/InTunetoNature Please support indie media like Radio Free Georgia at https://wrfg.org/
Take care of yourself and others, including other species -- like wildlife who need to get where they are going safely (with road underpasses and overpasses and more roadless areas to live).
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Wild Atlanta: Poems and Photographs Celebrating Wildlife, Forests, & Parks
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
We enjoy the poetry and photography in a new book Wild Atlanta: Greenspaces and Nature Preserves of “The City in the Forest” with the book author and poet Stephen Wing and the book’s photographer Luz Wright. Their 98-page full color poetic photo book is an artistic tribute to several dozen of Atlanta’s gorgeous public forests and parks for humans and wildlife to share.
In this 26-minute interview (airing in December 2023), I have Stephen read a few of his poems that ingeniously weave in the climate crisis, wild animals like hawks, and protecting natural areas like Intrenchment Creek Park from development (from becoming 'Cop City' and/or a movie studio lot). And Luz explains a collection of photos she took of trees, crickets, streams, leaves, and butterflies at Heritage Trail Park. You can see it's a great creative connection between Luz and Stephen to bring each wild space alive through an intriguing and unique visual and written conversation.
The book's website is https://wildatlanta.net/ and it lists the local independent bookstores where you can obtain a copy and where the authors sometimes come do a reading.
"In Tune to Nature" is a weekly radio show airing Wednesdays at 6:30pm Eastern Time on 89.3FM-Atlanta radio and streaming worldwide on wrfg.org (Radio Free Georgia, a nonprofit indie station). Hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. The show's website and action items can be found at https://www.facebook.com/InTunetoNature Please support indie media like Radio Free Georgia at https://wrfg.org/
Take care of yourself and others, including other species and wild spaces.
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
EcoFriendly Holiday Gift Giving: Experiences Over Items
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
To have a more meaningful holiday season and avoid buying a bunch of stuff, this is a replay of my 28-minute annual green gift giving show -- this time focusing not on eco-friendly products but more on eco-friendly experiences in order to avoid cluttering up our lives with more stuff that lands in our homes permanently. So the emphasis is on gift-giving ideas for vegan food/meals or experiences (travel, parks, spas, etc.) or lending a helping hand (dog-sitting, babysitting/tutoring, lawncare, home organization), and savings/investing. It is an Atlanta focused show. It also highlights the So Kind Registry that allows you to let your friends and family know what is meaningful and fun for you (registering for that as gifts) instead of more "stuff" to buy. https://www.sokindregistry.org/
"In Tune to Nature" is a weekly radio show airing Wednesdays at 6:30pm Eastern Time on 89.3FM-Atlanta radio and streaming worldwide on wrfg.org (Radio Free Georgia, a nonprofit indie station). Hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. The show's website and action items can be found at https://www.facebook.com/InTunetoNature Please support indie media like Radio Free Georgia at https://wrfg.org/
Take care of yourself and others, including other species.
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Did you know one third of North America's birds have vanished over the last 50 years -- on our watch? That's 3 Billion fewer birds in our ecosystems, skies, trees, farms, and backyards! In their book "A Wing and a Prayer: The Race to Save our Vanishing Birds," journalists and bird lovers Anders and Beverly Gyllenhaal went on an adventure to sound the alarm and help us discover why birds aren't thriving anymore (after tens of millions of years on this planet) and to profile the many unique and innovate ways that scientists and outdoor enthusiasts are helping to preserve species and habitats. In this 28-minute podcast, where host Carrie Freeman interviews Anders Gyllenhaal, we also discuss the need for the general public to invest in wildlife conservation (at least $1 billion a year is needed) to prevent bird losses, not just rely on taxing hunters and guns, nor wait and try to save those species who are on the brink of extinction (a much more costly and less effective solution than prevention now). Reinvigorating the U.S. Fish & Wildlife agency and passing the bipartisan 'Restore America's Wildlife Act' are part of what is needed. You can find out more about the book and what birds are teaching us at their website https://flyinglessons.us/ There you will also find suggestions on how you can be part of the solution to save birds and their habitats, which we discuss at the end of the podcast.
"In Tune to Nature" is a weekly radio show airing Wednesdays at 6:30pm Eastern Time on 89.3FM-Atlanta radio and streaming worldwide on wrfg.org (Radio Free Georgia, a nonprofit indie station). Hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. The show's website and action items can be found at https://www.facebook.com/InTunetoNature Please support indie media like Radio Free Georgia at https://wrfg.org/ In fact, Anders supplied a signed hardcopy of the book as a fundraising incentive, and I can send it to anyone who donates $50 or more at wrfg.org (just message me at the facebook page to let me know).
Take care of yourself and others, including other species, like our vanishing birds.
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Discussing his book "Nature, Design, and Health: Explorations of a Landscape Architect," David Kamp describes his nature-inspired design philosophy, and we specifically concentrate on garden project elements designed to enhance the wellbeing of older adults and people with special needs. We also discuss how wildlife can be encouraged and supported in our yards and landscapes. You can see his lovely designs at the book website https://www.naturedesignhealth.com/.
This 24-minute podcast is hosted by Carrie Freeman, who recorded it for "In Tune to Nature," a weekly radio show airing Wednesdays at 6:30pm Eastern Time on 89.3FM-Atlanta radio and streaming on wrfg.org (Radio Free Georgia, a nonprofit indie station). Hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. The show's website and action items can be found at https://www.facebook.com/InTunetoNature Please support indie media like Radio Free Georgia at https://wrfg.org/
Take care of yourself and others, including other species, like those who wander through and feed in our backyards.
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
This double-length show explains tips from the book "Advocating for the Environment: How to Gather Your Power and Take Action" by environmental lobbyist, public servant, teacher, and author Sue Inches from Maine. https://sueinches.com/ After meeting at the 2023 Conference on Communication & Environment and hearing about her book and vast experience, I invited Sue to be interviewed on In Tune to Nature for a longer format show (52 minutes). This gave us more time to discuss advice from the book, such as:
- the power of being visionary in environmental action (and the 80-10-10 rule),
- the importance of reframing our earth stories and values to focus on interconnection,
- bridging partisan politics in the U.S.,
- effectively lobbying of decision-makers,
- reasons to be hopeful for environmental change, and
- key steps you can take to get active.
In Tune to Nature is a long-time weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at https://wrfg.org/
Remember to take care of yourself and others, including other species.
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
We discuss the need for marine eco policies and "sustainable fishing" policies to move toward a non-industrial discourse that treats fish as subjects and as ecological beings rather than primarily objectifying them as human food/stock/seafood – basically sustainable fisheries rhetoric should stop reducing fish and other aquatic animal species to mere economic resources to be 'sustainably managed'. Dr. Jennifer Jacquet, Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at Univ of Miami, explains her rationales for why a change in our discussion of fish (and relationship with fish) is warranted and ecologically beneficial, in this 25-minute podcast with host Carrie Freeman.
This is based on an provocative perspective piece that Dr. Jennifer Jacquet recently co-authored with Dr. Daniel Pauly, published in the journal PLOS Biology, titled "Reimagining Sustainable Fisheries" that challenges the bias toward industrial fishing and economic commodities in our fisheries and marine environmental policies. She also unpacks the excuse that we need managed industrial fishing with quotas to "feed people" or for "food security" when so much caught fish just goes to feed farmed animals (including farmed fish) and to feed wealthier consumer market demands when these consumers often have more sustainable food options (like plant-based). She explains why sustainable fisheries policies need to focus on subsistence fishing (not industrial) and especially protecting marine habitats to help aquatic animals begin to thrive free of harassment/harm. The move to reimagine whales as beings not commodities can be a model for cultural and political change toward other marine animals. See https://ali.fish/blog/reimagining-sustainable-fisheries
The photo of free/wild fish in the Maldives is by Sebastian Pena Lambarri on Unsplash.
In Tune to Nature is a long-time weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at https://wrfg.org/
Remember to take care of yourself and others, including other species, like those who live underwater.
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Protecting Yellowstone’s Wild Bison Herds from Slaughter: The Buffalo Field Campaign
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
The Buffalo Field Campaign has worked for decades restoring rights to the wild Bison of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming to live and freely migrate in and outside of Yellowstone National Park in their rightful territory. Carrie Freeman's radio guests Mike Mease and Dallas Gudgell are from the nonprofit Buffalo Field Campaign and we discuss their achievements since the 1990s. In this 25-minute podcast recorded late July 2023, they explain why the bison are at risk of being killed by hunters and ranchers when they leave Yellowstone National Park and how Montana's wildlife policies have been hostile to this threatened and recovering species (treating the species as 'livestock' instead of wildlife). Buffalo Field Campaign volunteers work annually to document and protect the bison in the field (they invite you to join them). Dallas explains the bison's key role in local First Nations' cultural identity and how a coalition of dozens of tribes are meeting in November 2023 to discuss a path to more unified Tribal stewardship over the Yellowstone bison as part of reparations and a path for true protection and recovery of the wild bison herds.
The Buffalo Field Campaign is the only group working both in the field and in the policy arenas to stop the harassment and slaughter of America’s last wild buffalo. Formalized as a nonprofit in 1997, they also protect the natural habitat of wild free-roaming bison and other native wildlife, and stand with First Nations to honor the sacredness of wild buffalo. The primary goal of the Buffalo Field Campaign is to create permanent year-round protection for bison and the ecosystem they depend on—including respect for the migratory needs of this long-exploited and clearly endangered species. Their website full of info, photos, and action items is BuffaloFieldCampaign.org.
Photo taken by host Carrie Freeman of the bison herd in Yellowstone (during her visit in 2017).
In Tune to Nature is a long-time weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at https://wrfg.org/
Remember to take care of yourself and others, including other species, like the bison, with whom we share the planet.
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
We discuss findings from a 2023 report “Animal Agriculture is the Missing Piece in Climate Change Media Coverage”. Given the policy agenda-setting role of the news media, this report details what coverage improvements are warranted to facilitate needed farming and dietary changes in the U.S. to help mitigate the climate crisis, given the large role that animal ag plays in greenhouse gas emissions (especially via methane and deforestation). In this 25-minute podcast, In Tune to Nature host Carrie Freeman interviews two of the report's co-authors, Coni Arevalo (Research Associate at Faunalytics) and Jenny Splitter (Managing Editor at Sentient Media).
The report and its recommendations can be found, with an easy-to-read executive summary and infographics, at https://faunalytics.org/animal-ag-in-climate-media/
Faunalytics is a nonprofit research organization that conducts studies and shares knowledge to help advocates support animals effectively. Their website is https://faunalytics.org/. And Sentient Media is a nonprofit journalism organization and news outlet dedicated to changing the conversation around animal agriculture. Their website is https://sentientmedia.org/
Photo of cow used in the dairy industry, by Jo-Anne McArthur of We Animals Media. The breeding, raising, and feeding of cows is the main contributor in ag to the climate crisis.
In Tune to Nature is a long-time weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at https://wrfg.org/
Remember to take care of yourself and others, including other species, like all the free/wild animals we share the planet with.
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Ecoflix.com is the first not-for-profit streaming channel of entertainment and educational shows and podcasts dedicated to saving animals and the planet. We talk with founder and CEO David Casselman about why he founded Ecoflix, how the non-commercial global programming is different from other animal channels (more advocacy oriented and family friendly, non-graphic), some of the most popular shows (saving bears, elephants, wolves, leopards, whales, rainforests, and more) including kids shows, as well as what wildlife and animal protection NGOs Ecoflix works with and supports with 100% of the subscriber fees. Share with educators that all fees are waived for teachers so that educational content is free in classrooms.
In this 25-minute "In Tune to Nature" podcast hosted by Carrie Freeman, David also explains the various wildlife and climate protection projects Ecoflix supports and documents for original programming (like drones that can prevent whale strikes with ships). Ecoflix content is varied and also has music videos, podcasts, and poetry. David recommends this fascinating poem about the value of whale poo toward phytoplankton and all life. https://watch.ecoflix.com/videos/hot-poets-matt-harvey-praise-the-whale
In Tune to Nature is a long-time weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at https://wrfg.org/
Remember to take care of yourself and others, including other species, like all the free/wild animals we share the planet with.
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Due to the threat of titanium mining, the biologically rich and unique Okefenokee Swamp habitat at the GA/FL border has unfortunately been named one of America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2023 (by the organization America Rivers). But there's a wide alliance of bipartisan wilderness and water protectors at https://protectokefenokee.org/ defending this National Wildlife Refuge, including The Georgia River Network. Their Executive Director, ecologist Rena Ann Peck talks to host Carrie Freeman in this 25-minute podcast about why and how so many groups are protecting this delicate and one-of-a-kind ecosystem from damaging mining efforts on the trail ridge (bordering the swamp ecosystem). It's a sacred space to the Muskogee Creek Nation and home to hundreds of plants and unique animals, such as alligators, salamanders, birds, and fish, some endangered.
Rena also explains what is being done in the GA Legislature to try to establish permanent protection against future mining (HB 71 Okefenokee Protection Act) and actions to urge the Georgia EPD (Env Protection Division) and Governor Kemp not to issue a mining permit to Twin Pine Minerals company. With overwhelming bipartisan support in favor of park protection, we hope that government listens and acts. Interested citizens can text 52886 with the word SWAMP and it takes you to action items. You can also see the action items and many gorgeous videos at this GA River Network site https://garivers.org/protectokefenokee/
In Tune to Nature is a long-time weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at https://wrfg.org/
Remember to take care of yourself and others, including other species, like the thousands who live in rivers and wetlands.