In Tune to Nature is an eco & animal protection weekly radio show broadcast from Atlanta on Radio Free Georgia Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on wrfg.org and 89.3FM. 25-minute podcasts featuring interviews with activists, scientists, and authors who help us protect living beings and our shared habitats. Hosted by Carrie Freeman (Communication Professor and Human Animal Earthling). Studio photography by Ann Packwood.
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
To help us understand how coyote families live among us in urban/suburban areas as productive members of ecosystems, Berry College Professor of Biology, Dr. Chris Mowry (and co-founder of the Atlanta Coyote Project) tells us about the natural history of wild canine species in the North America, specifically the Southeast region, where settler colonists drove out the native Red Wolf, and over the centuries the coyote has migrated to take the place of their wolf cousins.
Also in this 26-minute In Tune to Nature radio show, recorded in May 2023, host Carrie Freeman expresses concern over the GA Dept of Natural Resources' unfair designation of the coyote as an "invasive species," allowing open-season unlimited killing of coyotes by humans with hunting/trapping licenses. Dr. Mowry explains his and other scientific research findings that coyotes, like most predator species, end up productively enriching the biodiversity of our local ecosystems and therefore do not deserve the title of "invasive" (especially given the natural presence of wild canines in the Southeast historically).
We also discuss the family lives of coyotes and their daily routines, eating some plant foods and some small rodents. We end by discussing how to coexist with coyotes in our neighborhoods so that we don't attract them to our yards with petfood or seeds or fruits, and we avoid poisoning their food sources with rat poison, which could cause them to become diseased. Dr. Mowry explains why hiring a trapper to get rid of some local coyote isn't ultimately going to keep coyotes out of your communities, as other coyotes will eventually fill that open territory, so the smartest and most humane action is to coexist peacefully with this often elusive and reclusive species. Find info about how to coexist and other fun facts about local coyotes (plus photos and videos) on the Atlanta Coyote Project website. https://www.atlantacoyoteproject.org/
In Tune to Nature is a long-time weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at https://wrfg.org/
Take care of yourself and others, including other species, like our urban wildlife.
PHOTO CREDIT: Biologist Dr. Larry Wilson (photo of a male coyote spotted in Atlanta's Piedmont Park in 2016. Since coyote's mate for life, he's also someone's partner and dad)
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
From taking selfies with wild animal individuals, to promoting them as pets, to faking animal rescues for clicks, content harmful to animals abounds on social media platforms like YouTube, Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To help us identify what is inappropriate, harmful, or cruel content and what to do about it, in this 28-minute radio show, host Carrie Freeman interviews Nicola O'Brien, leader of the Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition. Nicola explains why we should NOT engage with a harmful post or click/comment on it and why we should instead flag and report it to the platform, and then report it also via the Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition reporting form here https://www.smaccoalition.com/report-a-concern as they act on and collect data on each social media platform and work to get policies that will recognize psychological animal harm and bad behavior promoting wildlife-human interactions as inappropriate content that should not be seen as meeting the platform's policies and thus gets taken down.
Act on these petitions https://www.smaccoalition.com/petitions because a lot of work is yet to be done to get these platforms to have truly animal-friendly policies that go beyond just removing obvious physical abuse torture videos (and helps ensure that people who use animals can't make money on social media content). We all need to get involved in pressuring our favorite social media platforms to have much stricter policies regarding nonhuman animal content so we don't promote harmful human practices and also cause animal suffering for those animals in the posts. Here's another resource to help you identify cruel content: https://www.smaccoalition.com/ask-yourself
In Tune to Nature is a long-time weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at https://wrfg.org/
See other guidelines for holding media accountable (journalism, filmmakers, advertisers and PR folks) at https://animalsandmedia.org/
Take care of yourself and others, including other species (whether online or in your neighborhood)
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
On behalf of Atlanta's biggest in-town forest, its resident wildlife, and nearby human neighbors, we discuss the 'Save The Atlanta Forest' movement also known as the 'Stop Cop City' movement, in Southeast Atlanta, comprised of many allied groups of citizens, especially Black residents, who over the last several years are working to stop the installation and building of a multi-million dollar, noisy and explosive, mega law enforcement training center in a greenspace and forested area (a former prison farm), where it is vehemently unwanted by the adjacent community and was already promised by a former mayor to be a preserved park. To tell us about that ongoing effort from an ecological and an environmental justice/racial justice perspective, host Carrie Freeman speaks with Dr. Jacqueline Echols, Board President of the South River Watershed Alliance and 2017 winner of GreenLaw's Environmental Hero award, who has worked in clean water and tree protection for a quarter century. This website provides action items and more info on the river and forest protection https://www.southriverforest.org/ FYI: The email for the CEO of Dekalb County is CEOMichaelThurmond@dekalbcountyga.gov and Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens can be reached at adickens@atlantaga.gov
In this 26-minute podcast, originally aired in April 2023, Dr. Echols explains how this police training facility could be decentralized and placed in other communities -- ones who want it or who have not been disproportionately impacted by police violence and legal system discrimination for decades, as has this majority Black Southwest Atlanta community. Let's respect these residents' wishes and give them the park, the peace, and the clean water they want and deserve and that the local wildlife need.
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at https://wrfg.org/
PHOTO: Dr. Jackie Echols kayaking on the South River
Take care of yourself and others, including other species.
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
In this double-show, Leah Garces, President of Mercy for Animals, discusses initiatives to protect taxpayers, farm workers, chickens, and pigs in an unprecedented and long-overdue marker to the 2023 Farm Bill -- the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act -- to be considered in the U.S. Congress in Fall 2023. After learning about these issues, U.S. citizens can contact their Congresspeople to express opinions on this critical bill, as Senators and Representatives in the House would need to sign on to it this spring and summer. This link helps you easily make contact: https://mercyforanimals.org/iaa/
The Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act was put forward by Senator Cory Booker, a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, who worked with Mercy for Animals and other farming groups to propose this groundbreaking legislation to start to hold accountable a corporate-dominated animal agribusiness industry, especially to get companies to better prepare for (and pay for) inevitable natural disasters and pandemics. So I devoted a double-long show to this topic, especially since the myriad problems with industrial animal agribusiness rarely get addressed in Congress (due to a powerful agribusiness lobby), despite how much the public disapproves of factory farming and how much taxpayer money goes to subsidize it (millions of taxpayer dollars annually are bailing out profitable factory farming corporations, especially during disasters, but also routinely in subsidizing their feed crops rather than subsidizing fruits and vegetables humans need to be eating more of). This radio show and this bill shine a light on many problems with factory farming that most of us don’t know.
In this this 49-minute show recorded in March 2023, In Tune to Nature host Carrie Freeman interviews Leah Garces, long-time farmed animal advocate and current President of the nonprofit group Mercy for Animals at https://mercyforanimals.org/ With her on-the-farm experience, she helps us understand all the various exciting initiatives of the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act and what it proposes to do to help humans (agricultural workers, incarcerated workers, and also taxpayers and some smaller ‘growers’ in debt to larger animal ag corporations) as well as helping other animal species in terms of reducing some of their immense suffering. From slowing down the kill-line speeds, to including chickens and turkeys in the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, to prohibiting the killing of pigs too lame to walk, to reducing the time that hungry and thirsty animals are kept in transit to slaughterhouses, to offering severance pay and healthcare to vulnerable farmworkers in disasters, to prohibiting the continued exploitation of incarcerated workers made to work in factory farming disasters – this Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act is long overdue and needs everyone’s attention, as the Farm Bill only gets amended every 5 years.
Also, in Dec 2022, Vox wrote a great overview of Sen. Booker’s act titled “Sen. Cory Booker has a plan to stop taxpayer bailouts of Big Meat.”
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at https://wrfg.org/
PHOTO: Leah Garces and rescued chicken
Take care of yourself and others, including other species.
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Mercy for Animals' Managing Director AJ Albrecht updates us on the state of the Avian Influenza crisis and the tens of millions of factory farmed birds who have been inhumanely killed/suffocated in an attempt to stop the spread (largely at U.S. taxpayer expense); she outlines a joint lawsuit Mercy for Animals filed against the USDA for their inadequate response to this massive outbreak, and she discusses the legal settlement. Additionally, bird flu isn't limited to birds, and it is spreading globally across wild and domesticated animal species, including mammals, but is especially problematic in spreading among the intensive confinement of egg laying hens in battery cages or chickens crammed in warehouses, making industrial animal agriculture a recurring problem for spreading zoonotic diseases. In this 25-minute radio podcast, host Carrie Freeman interviews AJ Albrecht, licensed attorney and Managing Director at the nonprofit Mercy for Animals, as she outlines the problems and the solutions. Find out more about this advocacy organization's plans to create an ecologically sustainable and compassionate food system at www.mercyforanimals.org
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Photo: AJ Albrecht shown holding a chicken friend (neither of them has bird flu).
Take care of yourself and others, including other species, especially birds like chickens.
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Guest Eva Hamer discusses a recent study of American attitudes toward using animals for food that suggests how best to strategically frame campaign messages promoting a path to evolving together toward animal freedom and plant-based food systems. We discuss what those new policies might be that Americans can support through collective action to get past this feeling of futility that we as individual consumers experience -- that we can't stop factory farming through individual food choices and thus need to work collectively. Host of In Tune to Nature, Carrie Freeman, interviews Eva Hamer, Operations Lead at the nonprofit think tank Pax Fauna in this 26 minute podcast. Details of the Pax Fauna study, strategy recommendations, and some video presentation summaries are found on their website: narrative.PaxFauna.org.
In their name, Pax stands for Peace and Fauna stands for Animal. Pax Fauna is a nonprofit that exists to design a more effective social movement for animal freedom in the U.S., using original research as well as careful study of social movement literature and the recent history of the animal movement, in order to reverse the cultural norm of eating animals.
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Take care of yourself and others, including other species...other fauna.
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
The stench and pollution of pig factory farms is devastating Black rural neighborhoods, but, despite intimidation, NC residents are fighting back in court against the world's largest pork corporation, as documented in "The Smell of Money" a full-length documentary film winning awards at festivals. Radio host Carrie Freeman interviews the film's writer and producer, Jamie Berger, a native of North Carolina, in this 25 minute podcast recorded in February of 2023. We know these warehoused pigs are suffering, but you'll also learn what is wrong with pig CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) and their manure cesspools, and how unhealthy it is for the local community's wellbeing, dignity, quality of life, and property values in Eastern NC, such as Sampson and Duplin counties. You can find out where to view or financially support the film and see a trailer and photos of the characters at https://www.smellofmoneydoc.com/
In the podcast, filmmaker Jamie Berger discusses ways we can help by being conscientious consumers, getting politically active, and joining NGO advocacy groups for environmental justice and clean water (like Riverkeeper groups or Food & Water Watch). Carrie adds that Senator Corey Booker, on the Senate Agriculture committee, put forward an unprecedented bill called the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act that really asks for some needed reforms to factory farming. So that could be a bill that folks may choose to ask their congress people to cosponsor or support, as the Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act, would really need widespread public support to be able to go up against the agribusiness and Big Meat lobby that wants business as usual, despite how environmentally unsustainable, polluting, and cruel it is.
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent, non-commercial, progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Take care of yourself and others, including other species.
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
We take on some tricky ethical dilemmas in how we should treat animals in nature, especially “non-native” species (more respectfully called 'Introduced species'), and when and how we should interfere in the lives of animals in a 'post wild' world, based on her thoughtful and nuanced book “Wild Souls: Freedom & Flourishing in the Non-Human World, by environmental writer Emma Marris https://www.emmamarris.com/. Carrie Freeman, host of "In Tune to Nature," interviews Emma in this 26-minute podcast where we discuss: the idea of abandoning "species purity" and static or colonial notions of who should be in a given ecosystem; how to value sentient beings (animals) in relation to other (plant) living beings, systems, or whole species; and ethical, fair, and compassionate ways to resolve conflicts that arise between animal species (especially "non-native" vs "native" or "endangered/rare" species). While we don't have definitive answers to these ethical dilemmas, we take a perspective that includes the interests of all animal individuals in decision-making (not just what is presumed best for the ecosystem as a whole). This is part of the classic dilemma of how to fairly balance individual rights with societal/group rights.
Other resources on this topic include: The nonprofit science group working on welfare called Wild Animal Initiative. Or The Centre for Compassionate Conservation at UT-Sydney. Additionally, Catia Faria has a new book “Animal Ethics in the Wild”; and Kyle Johannsen has the new book "Wild Animal Ethics."
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Take care of yourself and others, including all the unique beings we share our planet with.
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
We should begin to see multiculturalism as including the creativity and morality found in the cultures of fellow animal species (besides just us humans). In this 27 minute interview, host Carrie Freeman talks with Dr. Carol Gigliotti who shares insights and examples from her book “The Creative Lives of Animals” by NYU Press (2022), from whales to dogs to chimps to birds, mice, and ants. There is a lot to discover if we are willing to recognize the creative ways that other animal species choose to live their lives and solve problems (as whole cultures but also as unique individuals).
Carol Gigliotti, PhD is an author, artist, animal activist, and scholar whose work focuses on the reality of animals’ lives as important contributors to the biodiversity of this planet. She is Professor Emerita of Design & Dynamic Media and Critical & Cultural Studies at the Emily Carr University of Design, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Her website is www.carolgigliotti.com
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Take care of yourself and others, including all the unique beings we share our planet with.
Friday Dec 23, 2022
A Fish’s Perspective on Fishing: With Biologist Dr. Jonathan Balcombe
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
How are individual fish (as sentient beings) affected by industrial and recreational fishing practices? We find out by talking with the best selling author of “What a Fish Knows: The Inner Lives of our Underwater Cousins.” biologist, Dr. Jonathan Balcombe, who also recently authored a children's book about a boy and a fish "Jake & Ava". In this interview, we discuss crowded fish farms, death by nets and suffocation, pain from barbed hooks, catch (harass) and release, and ways to avoid all of this by respecting fishes and considering their interests (including eating vegan/plant-based fish or avocado and cucumber sushi). This 28-minute radio show was recorded with Jonathan in the Atlanta studio with host Carrie Freeman in 2018. Check out Dr. Balcombe's books at https://jonathan-balcombe.com/ To advocate for fish species, check out the nonprofit Fish Feel https://fishfeel.org/
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie radio station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman, Sonia Swartz, or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Take care of yourself and others, including other species, like fishes.
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
What would a clean, renewable energy future look like in Georgia? Neil Sardana, Beyond Coal rep from the Georgia Chapter of the Sierra Club provides a hopeful yet feasible vision. For energy independence and less pollution and less greenhouse gas emissions, we know we need to move away from dependence on fossil fuels like coal and gas, but could we be 100% renewable, and what would the new energy mix be in Georgia? How feasible is that clean energy transition and how can we get the political will in a rather conservative state to make these massive infrastructure changes happen? Neil Sardana explains how in this 25-minute interview hosted by Carrie Freeman. The Public Service Commissioner seats are the key to redirecting the for-profit Georgia Power mega-utility to clean energy, and solar is the affordable available solution in our sunny state (as Georgia Power Company is considering raising consumer rates again for mostly dirty energy). We should demand the clean energy future we need.
You can find out more at https://www.sierraclub.org/georgia/BeyondCoal or follow @GABeyondCoal Look for ways to send public comments about the Georgia Power energy rate hikes and encourage them to replace coal and gas with home-grown solar.
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie radio station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman, Sonia Swartz, or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Take care of yourself and others, including other species.
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
In time for winter wardrobe & gift-giving, we review the many eco problems with the wool industry and what materials fashion-makers and consumers can support instead (like organic cotton and bamboo). The role of raising, killing, and processing farmed animals, like sheep, for fiber/clothing is often overlooked in environmental discourse (as we tend to just focus on the meat industry). So in this 27-minute podcast for In Tune to Nature, host Carrie Freeman talked with Stephanie Feldstein of The Center for Biological Diversity about their recent report (with the Collective Fashion Justice group) called "Shear Destruction: Wool, Fashion & the Biodiversity Crisis," https://www.collectivefashionjustice.org/shear-destruction where Feldstein notes that “From habitat degradation caused by grazing sheep to the chemicals used in scouring, the entire process of rearing sheep and turning shorn wool into usable fiber is riddled with threats to wildlife.” The extensive report has creative and beautiful artwork by Ari Liloan (as seen in the cover illustration I'm using).
You can find out more about the Center for Biological Diversity at https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie radio station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman, Sonia Swartz, or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Take care of yourself and others, including other species, like wild and domesticated sheep, and other animals we share the planet with.
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
In support of eco-friendly candidates who are climate champions, Georgia Conservation Voters advocates for all citizens in GA to exercise their right to vote, with their "Democracy for All" initiative. In this 28-minute podcast, host Carrie Freeman interviews Brionte McCorkle, Executive Director or Georgia Conservation Voters about issues with voting in Georgia, how to make a plan to vote in this November 2022 election, and how her organization vets Georgia political candidates to decide on whom to endorse each election cycle. You can see their endorsed candidate list along with who is on your own ballot at https://www.gcvoters.org/endorsements/ This helps you make a plan to vote by November 8th and get informed on who has environmental platforms and eco-friendly voting records.
Voters in GA can also see their ballot and check on polling locations in their county by going to the GA Secretary of State's election website https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/ (early voting ends Nov. 4th)
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie radio station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman, Sonia Swartz, or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Take care of yourself and others, including other species (and keep them in mind when you vote).
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Lead report author Lucy Haskell explains BirdLife International’s State of the World’s Birds 2022 report (it comes out every 4 years), finding that nearly half of the world’s bird species are in decline, painting the most concerning picture yet for the natural world, But it also identifies all the many human-caused drivers of species loss and the critical solutions we desperately need to save nature if we can urgently garner the political will and financial commitment from decision-makers to implement these solutions at scale and pace. This depends on which politicians we elect into office in the next decade and if they make environmental protection, including climate change, a priority. We particularly discuss agricultural and fishing solutions and logging and deforestation solutions to protect bird species and their habitats and note how conservation efforts over the decades have helped reduce the number of birds that have gone extinct, so we know what works. We just need to make these solutions a political priority.
This comprehensive report can be found at the website https://www.birdlife.org/ It’s got such beautiful images and so many charts and maps and infographics to make it easy to stay engaged and recognize core findings and see how everything fits together. I think Kids can engage with the report too as they must be part of the solution.
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman, Sonia Swartz, or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Take care of yourself and others, including other species -- like birds!
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Food justice activist and veganic farmer Eugene Cooke shares an aspirational vision for why he practices agro-ecology in urban ag at Grow Where You Are farms around Atlanta and how this can be scaled up for widespread regenerative agricultural practices that the U.S. needs to stay viable and sustainable to feed our human population and nurture our soil naturally not chemically. In this 25-minute podcast (from Sept 2022), Eugene shares his unconventional roots from artist to farmer and what it's like to share his biodiverse Atlanta veganic crop farms with wildlife (not domesticating or farming any animals) and how they use composted food and yard scraps to generate compost fertilizers without all the slaughterhouse or antibiotic and chemical remnants in animal-based fertilizers. He and his farming partner Nicole then share their organic bounty with local folks (like at the Freedom Farmer's Market at the Carter Center each Saturday morning). Host Carrie Freeman is one of those nourished market customers enjoying their produce weekly (then composting the food scraps to make fertilizer to grow more food, via CompostNow). Eugene Cooke encourages us consumers to be part of this sustainable food transition by starting to eat more fresh foods/produce from regenerative agriculture producers, more so than eating processed commercial foods from big commodity monocrops. Check out his videos at https://www.growwhereyouare.farm/ or https://www.patreon.com/growwhereyouare
In Tune to Nature is a weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 6:30-7pm EST on Atlanta indie station WRFG (Radio Free Georgia) 89.3FM hosted by Carrie Freeman, Sonia Swartz, or Melody Paris. Please consider donating to support this 50-year old independent progressive Atlanta radio station at www.wrfg.org
Take care of yourself and others, including other species.